Monday, 2 March 2015

Review - Freedom Run - Subhadra Sen Gupta, Tapas Guha

Jr and I have amassed an incredible arsenal of picture books. And most of them are absolute joys to read over and over again. As a mother reading aloud to her toddler I find myself drawn to themes that reassure, that talk about unconditional love and acceptance. One of the many lessons in books like the delightful The Odd Egg (about a duck that patiently hatches a crocodile egg) and Fox's Garden (a wordless picture book about a little boy looking out for a vixen and her newborn cubs on a snowy night) is about the unreserved love that children of all kinds are entitled to.

That could be why Freedom Run by Subhadra Sen Gupta came as jolt out of the blue.

Freedom Run is the story of three young children who have been forced into child labour to pay off the debts incurred by adults in their families. They spend their days weaving carpets for their barbarous malik, never daring to hope for a better life. They are frequently beaten up till they bleed, and many of them receive no pay for the hours of backbreaking work they do.

But despite the horrors portrayed in this book, Freedom Run is at its heart a tale of hope and courage. How the children contrive to escape from the brutal malik forms the crux of the plot. And the ending is all the more powerful for the horrors shown earlier.

No, I did not pick this book for my 2 1/2 year old. It is intended for older children who can understand the many layers of the plot,and appreciate how beautifully the images play up the powerful text. I grabbed Freedom Run because I have never yet come across another comic for children that is as gritty and hard hitting as this.

The story holds you in a tight grip from beginning to end, despairing for the children and rooting for them in the end. I found it noteworthy that the book begins with the senior children imitating the harsh ways of their malik, but the intrinsic goodness of children finally takes over. While the language is taut, it is the evocative images by Tapas Guha that add layers of complexity to this slim volume. The warp of the wool that mirrors the bars on the window, the way adults often seem to tower over the children, the palpable joy on a child's face as his brother comes looking for him.... all these and more add subtle nuances that make this story so thrilling.

This is no candy fluff story. But it is the reality of hundreds of children around the country, and it is an important story that needs to be told.

Presenting * Insert Drumroll * Book Reviews!

Over the past 2 1/2 years I have found myself drowning delightedly in children's books, particularly picture books. Growing up, I somehow bypassed this genre entirely (the first book I ever 'read' was Children of Willow farm by Enid Blyton). But Jr's arrival opened my eyes to the incredible range that children's literature boasts of today. We started reading to him when he was about three months old, and by now we have amassed a wonderful collection of books of every description.

Until last month, most of the books we owned and loved were by foreign authors. Albie and The Space Rocket by Andy Cutbill and The Story Machine by Tom McLaughlin have been read so many times, it is a wonder they aren't in shreds. I adore the works of Emily Gravett, Oliver Jeffers and Lemony Snicket, and have added them to my picture book collection (not my son's, mind you! :P ) All these books are absolutely captivating, and we have spent many delightful hours poring over them.

But no matter how much I enjoyed these books (or maybe precisely because I enjoyed them so much) it used to annoy me no end that I could not find one more suited to the Indian context. The only books that I had come across were ones that dealt with Hindu mythology, Jataka tales or some version of Indian history. And I do not care for such books at all! Hoping to remedy this, Jr and I caught a taxi, the metro and an auto to get to the World Book Fair in Delhi. And how we were rewarded for our trouble!
Jr and I spent a couple of wonderful hours roaming from stall to stall, sniffing through brand new books to our hearts content (Ok fine... my heart's content!). We came back armed with several incredible books by Indian authors, and I intend to review a few of them here. I am no expert on childrens' books, I have not worked in any capacity in this genre. But what I do have is truck loads of experience in reading aloud to a staunch book lover.

Needless to say, I'm super excited about this :D